Tuesday, April 17, 2012

100% Project Aware!

Dear Jeremy,

Congratulations your dive centre is officially 100% AWARE.  From 12.04.12 every student you teach will receive a Project AWARE card.* Hooray!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Research on coral health in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Micaela, Kayrie and Jelena are measuring how much mucus the corals are producing from stressed and not stressed reefs. We have realized that corlas from the fish farms produce more mucus, and contain more bacteria (both good ones and bad ones) compared to the marine parks. The Vietnamese student Hanh studies the viruses ( a new field) and bacteria in coral mucus. We measure the volume of mucus produced over time. It may be a good indicator on coral health. Slimy indeed.
I hope I explained it well.
Very short: We measure slime production in corals (and yes  they produce lot s of it) over time. The same type of corals in stressed areas produce more slime and bacteria than the ones from the protected marine parks.Slime production over time seems to be a good measure of coral health. The same study will be performed 4 times a year to find seasonal differences.

Micaela Hellstrom

PADI Open Water Course in Saigon

Today Jeremy is teaching in french! In Gaudi, District 2, Saigon.
I took the boy to have a swim after the pool skills :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dive Nha Trang, Vietnam, with Rainbow DIvers

Last weekend, I went with my best friend and our 18months old boys to Nha Trang,
On saturday morning we left the boys with their dads and went on Rainbow Divers's dive boat for 2 dives on Hon Mun Island.
On the first dive we saw 2 seahorses, a frogfish, lionfish, gorgeous anemone with their clownfish and shrimps,... on the second dive an octopus, a peacock mantis shrimp and lots of nudibranches and lovely and weird critters. We had a great morning and DiveMaster Duc was fabulous!